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HSA’s stronger financial incentives encourage engagement

HSA’s stronger financial incentives encourage member employees to be more personally involved and aware of the management of their healthcare choices and costs.

Families benefit from their HSA's stronger financial incentives to be more proactive in the management of their health and related expenses.

By –  July 21, 2014 –

Yet more evidence has emerged to indicate that those who choose a health savings account over a health reimbursement account are more fully engaged in the management of their health insurance.

The latest survey to support this conclusion comes from the Employee Benefit Research Institute. EBRI elicited activity responses from those covered by both kinds of plans, and found that the HSA plan members were far more likely to actively participate in their plan decisions than those in reimbursement plans.

This level of personal involvement, which often leads to cost-saving decisions, is one more reason employers are increasingly offering HSAs to employees rather than HRAs.

Read: HSA vs. HRA: Which is more popular?

People with HSAs are more likely to engage in cost-conscious behavior related to use of health care services than are those in HRA,” EBRI said in a release. “For example, HSA participants are more likely to report that they asked for a generic drug instead of a brand name; checked the price of a service before getting care; asked a doctor to recommend less costly prescriptions; developed a budget to manage health care expenses; and used an online cost-tracking tool provided by the health plan.”

EBRI found that adults in an HSA were more likely than HRA members to do a health-risk assessment. They also tended to participate more actively in programs that promote their health, and they were more prone to doing a biometric screening.

“HRAs and HSAs may be similar, but there are some key differences that may produce different incentives related to using health care services, and different consumer engagement experiences,” said Paul Fronstin, director of EBRI’s health research and education program, and author of the report. “The data show that those with an HSA were more likely to respond to health pricing than were those with an HRA.”

EBRI concluded that the heightened involvement by HSA members was due to the financial incentives HRAs offer their members.

“Ultimately, an HSA creates a stronger financial incentive than an HRA for workers to be more engaged in their health care because the account is owned by the worker and completely portable upon job change,” EBRI said.



Section 125 Premium Only Plan, or a POP Plan is an essential part of any employer group health insurance and ancillary benefit program. Section 125 is the part of the Internal Revenue Code that allows employees to purchase health insurance and other ancillary benefits tax free. A Section 125 Plan legally allows your employees to pay their portion of medical insurance premium and other ancillary benefits premiums using pretax or tax-free dollars.

By utilizing the Section 125 Premium Only Plan to pretax HSA savings the employer saves matching Social Security (FICA), as well as federal unemployment taxes (FUTA) and generally state unemployment taxes. Employer tax savings can average 7 to 10 percent more by utilizing the Section 125 Plan with the HSA module. Employees also save an additional 7.65% in FICA taxes by pretaxing HSA savings through a Section 125 Premium Only Plan. This extra savings is lost to the employer and the employee if the HSA savings is just deducted from the employees gross income on IRS Form 1040.

Core Documents provides employers with everything they need to establish an IRS and DOL compliant Section 125 POP Plan for only $99.00 in PDF version emailed to you as soon as your document is completed. For $149, you can receive the Deluxe Binder option that includes the PDF email version ASAP, and a printed plan document in a 3-ring binder shipped via Priority Mail.

Core Documents, Inc. has been providing free consulting, affordable plan documents, and plan updates as needed for Section 125 Cafeteria Plans and Health Reimbursement Arrangements since 1997. See more information about these fringe benefit plans at Core Documents’ website: https://www.coredocuments.com, or call toll free 1-888-755-3373.

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