01:00 Minute Executive Summary: Deductible Gap HRA Video
Deductible Gap HRA Video
One of the best things about the Health Reimbursement Arrangement plan is all the options available to the employer. While it’s great that all those choices make the HRA as flexible as you need it to be, it can feel a little overwhelming when you first hear about it.
That doesn’t mean it is hard to design a plan, In fact, you’ll find that working with Core Documents to craft a Deductible Gap HRA Plan just right for you makes it easy as pie.
To introduce the basic concepts, Core Documents presents the Deductible Gap HRA video. It’s only a minute long and yet it clearly explains the basic concepts of the plan perfectly.
HRA Plan Document Package Just $199

Deluxe Binder Version ($349)
Core Documents offers a professional, personalized, and cost-effective HRA Plan Document Package.
The Core HRA package has all you need to establish your Deductible Gap Health Reimbursement Arrangement. The cost is a one-time fee of $199 with no required renewals or annual subscriptions.
Our package includes the following:
1) HRA Plan Document. Plan Documents are personally prepared and emailed to each client. Upon arrival, the Plan Document should be accepted and signed by the owner or officer of the company. The Plan Document should also be kept on file for review by employees, accountants, the IRS, and others upon request.
2) HRA Summary Plan Description (SPD). The Summary Plan Description is required to be given to each employee. It explains the Plan Purpose, Eligibility, Enrollment, and other important information in accessible language. The SPD also includes all information required by the IRS, DOL, FMLA, and COBRA regarding Plan Year start and end dates, legal service agents, and federal I.D. numbers.
3) HRA Election and Claim Form. This document is personalized for the business and will include the Election and Claim Form that is used to submit bills for reimbursement by the company.
4) HRA Administrative Handbook. This invaluable handbook includes sections on Administration, Nondiscrimination Testing, and Reporting and Disclosure. The employer-client is provided with instructions regarding plan setup, maintenance procedures, and other important steps.
5) Resolution to Adopt a Section 105 Plan. This document includes the Minutes of the Meeting to Adopt the Section 105 Plan as an employee benefit and reference.
Ready to Order? You can order the package online or by fax. Just click on a button for the form that best suits you: