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Compare 2025 HRA options with this handy tool from Core Documents

Compare HRA plans to find the best fit for your business.Employers looking to provide the best health benefit for employees have more ways to do so in 2025 than ever before, and most of that choice comes in the form of Health Reimbursement Arrangements that let employers turn a big part of health insurance choice back to their employees. Companies should compare HRA options like the new Individual Coverage model, the popular QSEHRA for small employers, and the new Excepted Benefit plan design.

To make that comparison easier, we’ve put together a table with the latest benefit information and specifications for each HRA currently available. Now you can easily compare HRA features among all available models with one glance.

And, perhaps best of all, there’s no longer a need to compare the cost of setting up a plan because Core Documents now offers each of our all-inclusive HRA plan document packages for a $199 one-time fee.

Click over one of the images below to open and view/print/download the .pdf version of our HRA comparison tool:
Compare HRA options with this handy tool. Free download.

Compare HRA options with this handy tool. Free download.

Eligible Medical Expenses

Tax-deductible medical expenses eligible for reimbursement through employer-sponsored HRA plans are defined in § 213(d) of the U. S. Code and detailed in IRS Publication 502.

Core HRA Plan Documents

All of our plan document packages come with everything an employer needs to establish an IRS- and DOL-compliant Health Reimbursement Arrangement for employees at an affordable, one-time and all-inclusive price of just $199.

Ready to Order?

Compare HRA plans, choose model that works best for you, and click to order. If you still have questions, our friendly consultants are available to help you at 1-888-755-3373 or send us an email.

 §105 HRA

(1 employee)

HRA plan for 1 Employee or spouse

Click to Order

Qualified Small Employer HRA

(> 50 employees)

QSE-HRA Qualified Small Employer HRA Plan
Click to Order

CORE HRA (Deductible gap)

(2 + employees)

How churches use an HRA
Click to Order

Individual Coverage HRA

(2+ employees)

IC-HRA Individual Coverage HRA Plan
Click to Order

Excepted Benefit HRA

(2 + employees)

EB-HRA Excepted benefit HRA Plan
Click to Order

No annual fee — Core Documents does not require an annual renewal fee to maintain your plan document package. A plan document only needs to be updated when there are changes in the plan or in the law that make it necessary. We will notify you when there are sufficient changes in the Code to require amending and restating your Plan and ask that you keep us informed when there is a change to your plan.  You can amend and update your plan document anytime, at a discounted fee and only when necessary, which is the most cost-effective way to maintain it.

Fast Service — Most orders placed by 3 PM are returned via email the same day, Monday through Friday. Weekend orders are sent out Monday morning. Plan document packages are processed in the order received. During our busiest months (December, January, and February), the rush order fee (see order form) marks your document to be processed immediately.

The Trusted Source of Affordable Benefit Plan Documents for over 20 Years.

Core Documents is the country’s leading provider of cost-effective, tax-saving benefit plan documents for Section 125 Cafeteria plans and Health Reimbursement Arrangements. The Trusted Source since 1997, thousands of satisfied agents and employer groups nationwide rely upon Core Documents for free plan design consulting services, plan document updates, ERISA Wrap SPDs, and administration services.

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