When you search online for, “Section 125 Plan Documents,” chances are good your search results will include web sites offering cheap or even free self-serve plan document templates.
Sounds good at first. After all, the whole point of setting up a Section 125 plan is to save money by eliminating income tax on insurance premiums. And what saves more than free?
Problem is, there is more to meeting the U. S. Code’s Section 125 plan document requirement than changing the name and address on a form. Without a quick compliance review, your “automated” Section 125 plan document may
Here are just a few things that go into a qualified Section 125 plan document that one-size-fits-all just can’t do.
Section 125 plan documents from pre-printed, downloaded, or automated templates are unlikely to meet the requirements of all the bureaucracies overseeing Section 125 plans. These include:
Dealing with government agencies is never part of a fun day, but if your Section 125 plan document is found to be out of compliance with any of these good folks, you can expect to have several less fun — and potentially costly — days spent with them.
The rules governing Section 125 Plans and other tax-saving benefits are always changing, and the changes can come from unexpected places. For example, when the IRS/ACA returned the stand-alone HRA in the form of the new QSE-HRA, it was buried near the bottom of a bill called The 21st Century Cures Act. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made changes to Section 132 Transit & Parking plans.
It takes a company with a qualified staff devoted to continually monitoring Congress’ actions that impact these plans to keep Section 125 plan documents up-to-date.
When there is a change to the law that must be reflected in existing plan documents, Core Documents notifies every client so that you are aware and updates can be made immediately. A free fill-in form or cheap template does not do that.
Even with your best efforts, it is still likely that you will complete a template or form with any number of compliance infractions — unless you have professionals with specific knowledge of plan document requirements working for you.
For Section 125 plans, not getting it right can mean reclassifying all the pre-tax salary deductions to taxable income, plus interest and penalties. Other fines and penalties can attach, too, including a $110 per day fine for ACA non-compliance.
Core Documents offers free plan design consultations before ordering and a thorough review of the information you submit to us for your plan document. If anything doesn’t seem right, we contact you to learn more.
When a company tries to get by with a one-size-fits-all form or template, they put themselves (and possibly their employees) at risk of paying far more than the $149 price of a Core 125 plan document package.
More than 28 years ago, Core Documents set that baseline fee for Section 125 plan documents and we haven’t raised it since. What does that $149 buy you?
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Section 125 Plan Document Package
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Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are available to
answer any Section 125 Plan questions
you may have via e-mail or phone call,
Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm ET:
Download the Core 125 Brochure and Forms: |
Section 125 Premium Only Plan, or a POP Plan is an essential part of any employer group health insurance and ancillary benefit program. A Section 125 plan legally allows your employees to pay their portion of medical insurance premium and other ancillary benefits premiums using pretax or tax-free dollars.
Core Documents provides employers with everything they need to establish an IRS and DOL compliant Section 125 Plan for only $149.00 in PDF version emailed to you as soon as your document is completed. For $199, you can receive the Deluxe Binder option that includes the PDF email version ASAP, and a printed plan document in a 3-ring binder shipped via Priority Mail. Use our convenient Section 125 Online Order Form or download a Free Section 125 Cafeteria Plan Employer Guide with Fax Order Form.
Core Documents, Inc. has been providing free consulting, affordable plan documents, and plan updates as needed for Section 125 Cafeteria Plans and Health Reimbursement Arrangements since 1997.
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