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Core Documents $149 Section 125 POP Premium Only Plan Document
03:48 minute Executive Summary:
- The $149 Section 125 Premium-Only Plan Document PDF email version has a one-time setup fee for a custom prepared, compliance reviewed IRS and DOL required document, not an annual recurring charge for an automated document like their competitors.
Internal Revenue Code Section 125 allows employees to purchase health insurance and other ancillary benefits tax-free. A Section 125 Plan legally allows employees to use pretax or tax-free dollars to pay their portion of health insurance premiums and other ancillary benefits premiums.
Utilizing a Section 125 Plan makes qualifying insurance premiums more affordable to employees, where they can save 23%-40% of their pretax Section 125 premium deductions just in federal income tax alone.
For the employer, a Section 125 Plan eliminates the 7.65% in employer-matching Social Security and Medicare taxes, in addition to some Federal and State unemployment taxes. Depending on the state, employers may also be eligible for workers compensation savings.
The bottom line is: employers who establish Section 125 Plans recoup the small $149 one-time setup fee quickly and then continue to realize tax savings year after year.
$149 Section 125 Premium-Only Plan PDF Document — No annual fee
Core Documents provides employers with everything they need to establish an IRS-and DOL-compliant plan with its $149 Section 125 Premium Only Plan PDF. This cost reflects a one-time setup fee, not an annual charge like their competitors.
Core Documents, Inc. has been providing free consulting, affordable plan documents, and plan updates as needed for Section 125 Cafeteria Plans and Health Reimbursement Arrangements since 1997.
See more information about these fringe benefit plans at Core Documents’ website: https://www.coredocuments.com, or call toll free 1-888-755-3373.

$149 Section 125 Premium Only Plan Document

Save Big with Tax-Free Life & Health Insurance Premium at Work
$149 one-time fee in PDF via email*
$199 one-time fee in PDF + Deluxe Binder via USPS
Internal Revenue Service Code, Section 125, allows employees to purchase health insurance and other accompanying benefits tax-free. The Section 125 Premium Only Plan is an integral part of any small business owner’s employee benefit package. The bottom line is employees save up to 40% in payroll taxes alone and employers save an additional 8% in matching payroll taxes on all qualifying insurance premium with the Section 125 Premium Only Plan.
Employers recoup the small $149 Section 125 Plan Document one-time setup fee quickly and then continue to realize tax savings year after year.
Core Documents provides employers with everything they need to establish an IRS- and DOL-compliant Section 125 benefits plan.
For an additional $50, employers can choose the Deluxe Binder option that includes the PDF email version same day M-F*; plus a printed plan document in a 3-ring binder shipped via USPS.
For an additional $30 you can add the HSA Module to pretax HSA Savings at work, for an additional 8% in tax savings for the employee and the employer.
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