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National Small Business Week 2019 — Presidential Proclamation

It’s National Small Business Week 2019, when the Small Business Administration (SBA) shines the spotlight on “the critical role of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners.”

The first week of May is National Small Business Week.

Small business marketplace impact

Since 1963, every President has issued a proclamation designating the first week of May to recognize small business owners for their huge impact on the marketplace.

Did you know, for example, that of about 30 million U. S. businesses (in 2014), all but about 20,000 were classified as a small business?*

As employers, small business owners and entrepreneurs account for over 60% of all employment and nearly half of all new jobs.

Record-breaking job creation in 2019

And that role continues to expand. In February 2019, the NFIB’s monthly jobs report showed that the average number of positions small businesses added per firm rose to a new record, cruising right past one set more than 20 years earlier (May 1998).  In the most recent report (April 2019), a net 20% of small business owners expect to add jobs in the coming year.

National Small Business Week resources

The SBA’s National Small Business Week web page links to valuable resources such as webinars, chats, virtual conferences, media links, and links to past years’ activities. Those links are in the body of the page; links to their learning center, business guides, loan programs, and federal contracting programs for small business owners are at the top of the page.


*The SBA’s Office of Advocacy defines small businesses as an independent business with fewer than 500 employees.

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