Home / Blog / IRS Notice 2017-67 issues guidance on QSE-HRA Notice to Employees
IRS Notice 2017-67 issues guidance on QSE-HRA Notice to Employees

The Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement is the most recent addition to the line-up of tax-saving HRA plan designs available to companies wanting to offer a health benefit to employees in a pre-tax and value-conscious manner.
The QSEHRA is unique among HRA designs for two reasons: 1) The employer is not required to sponsor a group health plan and 2) It is only available to small companies already exempt from the Affordable Care Act employer mandate (those with fewer than 50 full-time employees). Ordering information for the Core QSEHRA plan document package follows this article.
IRS Notice 2017-67 issues guidance on QSEHRA Notice to Employees
When the QSE-HRA was written into law in December 2016, eligible employers hurried to get their plan in place before the deadline. Part of that was crafting the required Notice to Employees and distributing it to eligible plan participants by March 2017 (for a January-December 2017 plan year).
When it became clear that the necessary guidance would not be ready before the deadline, the IRS issued Notice 2017-20. We wrote about it here.
The deadline for providing the required Notice to Employees was extended to 90 days after further guidance was issued by the agency, “in the near future.”
The Future Is Now
Maybe you’ve heard that “the near future” has finally arrived. IRS Notice 2017-67 issues guidance on QSEHRA Notice to Employees. Now you may be wondering what effect that has for distributing the Notice to Employees in your current QSEHRA plan document.
If you purchased your QSEHRA plan document from Core Documents, you need do nothing at all.
Our staff is currently reviewing the required language for the Notice to Employees.Here’s what will happen at the conclusion of that review:
- If the original document that came with your Core QSEHRA package is still in line with the new guidance, we will let you know that it is;
- However, if any change is needed to match that guidance, a revised Notice to Employees will be crafted and then provided to you.
IRS Notice 2017-67 Contents
Here is the total list of sections within IRS Notice 2017-67 for the QSEHRA:
- Eligible employer
- Eligible employee
- Same terms requirement
- Statutory dollar limits
- Written notice requirement
- MEC requirement
- Proof of MEC requirement
- Substantiation requirement
- Reimbursement of medical expenses
- Reporting requirement
- Coordination with PTC.
- Failure to satisfy the requirements to be a QSEHRA
- Interaction with HSA requirements
- Effective date

Order Core QSEHRA Today
If you’ve yet to get your QSEHRA Plan Documents package in place, Core Documents can help you with that. Since 1997, we have become the country’s premier provider of affordable Plan Documents as required by the IRS and Department of Labor (DOL).
Don’t delay — start saving today!
- For a limited time, our QSEHRA Plan Document package is available at a special price of $199. That’s a $100 savings off the regular price.
- This package will be delivered to you via email in .pdf format with a Deluxe Binder upgrade available for just $50 more. Rush service is available for an additional $25.
- Your package will include a QSEHRA Notice to Employees that we will revise, if necessary, once the official IRS guidance on the language for the notice is reviewed.
It’s simple to get your QSEHRA up and running once your personalized Plan Documents package arrives:
- You only need to sign the documents in two places as indicated and then keep it on site in case of an IRS audit, DOL inquiry, employee request for a copy, and your own reference.
- There is no requirement to file the documents with any agency.
- For your convenience, we provide you with a one-page summary of all Plan Sponsor responsibilities.
Get started right now. Just click the button below:

If you have any questions during the ordering process, call our knowledgeable and helpful staff at 1-888-755-3373.
You may also find these recent QSEHRA blog posts helpful:
QSEHRA: The Stand-Alone HRA Returns
QSEHRA Video Released — Plan Documents @ Introductory $199
Small Employer HRA Update & FAQs (QSEHRA)
Read the full text of IRS Notices on QSEHRA plans and Presidential EO 13813:
Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangements (Notice 2017-67)
Presidential Executive Order Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States (EO 13813, referenced in Notice 2017-67)